2017 Smart Meter documentary

BabySafe Project

With today's new technology and antiquated precautionary guidelines in place, why are protective steps necessary?

Martin L. Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and
Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University

Inner Life of the Cell


Lots of data here. Heavy accent but gets going halfway through. "Stomach cancer is the only cancer that has decreased since the 1950's".  Metal coils in beds act like antennas.. 

Does WIFI in schools affect children?

Dr Martin Pall explains his paper among his peers. 

 Dr Klinghardt's patients are experiencing health effects from EMF. Inflammatory markers such as TGFbeta1, MMP-9, and copper increase. 

Introduction to Bioelectricity Overview of the Science

Documentary - how the wireless industry has confused the public. 

Total Emf Solutions; Expert EMF Testing Specialist and Consultant

Dr Roger Coghill, bioelectromagnetic researcher, explains the mechanisms of the circadian rhythm.  

David O. Carpenter is a public health physician who serves as director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization, as well as a professor of environmental health sciences at Albany's School of Public Health. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School, has more than 370 peer-reviewed publications, 6 books and 50 reviews and book chapters to his credit.

By the late Dr. Theodore (Ted) Litovitz,
Physicist and EMR Researcher, Catholic University of America 

​"Everything is a poison it's just a matter of the dose" 

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There are thousands of studies showing a biological effect when the cell is exposed to levels far below FCC guidelines. These guidelines date back to the 90's and rely on misinformation brought forth in the 50's. In fact there was a law passed many years ago titled the "Telecommunications Act of 1996".  In this Act, it was secured that no state or city government could stop a cell tower from being built due to health concerns. 

What were the set levels?

If  a water based solution is not heated one degree, within six minutes, it passes the test.

Heating of tissue could be referred to as caveman science in some circles. Most people wouldn't rely on anything made back in the 50's. Remember antiquated computers, televisions, and cars from that era? They weren't exactly hi-tech, yet we are still relying on people, protecting military and industrial output.  

Doubt and misinformation is the game play.  After the recent announcement (May 27, 2016) of the 25 million dollar cell phone rat study, performed by the National Toxicology Program (NTP ), found that rats exposed to levels below heating caused cancer, the spin continued. The NTP's site states there was no cancer found in female rats, but after reading the study there was in fact cancer found in exposed females. 

The International EMF Scientist Appeal was initially signed by 190 scientists from 39 nations. As of February 13th 2016, the number has grown to 220 from 41 nations. This appeal has been sent to the United Nations, World Health Organization, and the United Nations Member States. Another list from doctors all over the world found here.
